Thursday, 2 September 2010

Week 2 Interview: The Olde Young Teahouse

This week we have been talking to one of our newest yet completely dedicated followers of Designers Marketplace, Carli Mc.Naught with her exciting and brave new buisness venture into the world of tea.

DM: So how long have you been running your business?
C: I have been running The Olde Young Tea House for coming up 3 months now. Although the idea was born 9 months ago.

DM: What was it that gave you the idea of opening your own tearoom?
C: I worked in London for a while and had odd days off which were not on a weekend so I spent a lot of time on my own sitting in tea rooms and little cafes. I thought why not bring something like this back to Middlesbrough.

DM:So after graduating in fashion design from CCAD, you moved to London, who were you working for?
C: I was working for Chester Barrie Savile Row. A tailors that has been on Savile Row since the 60's.

DM: Was it always your dream to be working in this role?
C: My dream is to work in a visual merchandising or buying role, I moved to London gain experience. I am now working in a role where I can buy, merchandise, visual merchandise, manage and have total control which is even better.

DM: You must have been very passionate and confident about starting your own business in an unknown line of business. What advice would you give someone wanting to set up business? 
C: I am very proud to be from the North East, growing up with the beach and countryside. You do not realize how lucky you are until you are not there anymore. I have always had a strong awareness of the social scene and what people want around here. I know that Middlesbrough is quite behind on new things that catch on around the rest of the country. But with the network of people working together in all different industries such as creative and business, we can all build up a good reputation.
The advise I would give to somebody is to just go for it. Don't mull things over if you have an idea and you are very passionate about it. There is help out there. Contact the Council and Business link and find your niche. You are more likely to get funding and support if you have an individual idea.
Networking and promotion is KEY...newspapers, magazines, flyers, posters, it all helps to promote your business.

DM: What do you feel the important factor in your business is?
C: The most important factor is determination! If you believe in yourself you can do it.

DM: And how do you put this into practise?
C: I put this into practice by planning head and planning my goals i then am able to cross them off my list when they have been done.

DM: What has been the biggest achievement in your career so far?
C: My biggest achievement in my career is opening up my own shop. To own and trade from a premises is great, I get to meet new people every day.

DM: Having just moved back to the North from living in London, how do you feel about opportunities in the region for new businesses and creative ideas?
C: I feel that the opportunities are endless here. To be quoted the worst place to live in England I feel there is nowhere lower for us to go, so all we can do is all work together to push ourselves back up. With all the creative new businesses starting to establish themselves working together is a must, we can all help each other and work as a unit to build even more opportunities.

DM: So what is the next big move for you and your business?
C: The next move is to publish our website which is all taking place as we speak. Again working with other businesses there is only more funding to given.

DM: Just to finish off!...what is your most popular sell out tea?
C: Our most popular tea is the famous Earl Grey with Blue Flower. It’s perfect for people who dare to try something a little different from 'Normal' tea. It’s the bridge to a whole new world of tea's!

...and not forgetting the important bit, cake?
I could not have the most popular cake as all out cakes sell out in a matter of hours. Some of my favourites are the Oreo Cake, Cherry Cake and Lemon and Poppyseed.

We are situated at 84 Grange Road Middlesbrough, opposite the entrance to the Mall. And we will also be exhibiting at Designers Marketplace in November at the town hall.

You can search for: TheOlde YoungTeahouse on facebook to receive daily updates on cake and tea flavour of the day.

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